Tuesday 18 September 2007


2 hours Muay Thai after three weeks off (holiday, ill, work). I was hopeless doing flying knees towards the end. I think that I will have to add some Gym Jones style box jumps in training to get a bit bouncier.

breakfast: potato, onion and yellow pepper tortilla
lunch: chicken shish kebab
tea: potato, onion and yellow pepper tortilla
dinner: bolognaise sauce - no pasta
booze: 4 Stellas
weight: 85.5kg


John said...


Nick Browne said...

TLA stands for Three Letter Acronym.

I was reading FHM in the barbers waiting to have my hair cut yesterday lunchtime, and came across the article "Train Like a UFC Fighter", and was amazed how much the weights workout in it looked like mine, so I already train like a UFC fighter.

FHM and UFC both being TLAs, I meant to mention this in my post, but then I didn't.