Thursday, 15 August 2013


10 30kg pulley
10 35kg pulley
10 40kg pulley
10 45kg pulley
10 50kg pulley
10 55kg pulley
10 60kg pulley
10 65kg pulley
10 70kg pulley

30 25kg abdominal crunch machine

3 x 10 10kg l/r dumbbell triceps extension
3 x 10 15kg barbell triceps extension (lets me go deeper than 20kg and work back too)
3 x 10 20kg cable triceps extensions with rope

60 secs forward fold on Power Plate

Salmon, creamed spinach and prawns with chips
cake sampling for Coffee in the Wood

Guinness and wine
13 st 4


John said...

You appear to be raising the bar with alacrity! I am not sure I can compete; As yet!

Nick Browne said...

Since I am back I have kept up the morning schedule I had in Wales and this my workouts fit into free time that you spend commuting. It is a huge advantage I have over my peers.