Wednesday 13 June 2007

Even Stephen !

Back to the futility of resistance yesterday after work. By way of a change and a warm up I did a cheeky 20 minutes on the bike with a little but of stretching as I went along. This was followed by some shoulder work in an attempt to assist the levelling of ability.
I punctuated the pushing and pulling with a study of the exercise regimes, utilising an inflatable gym ball, which are dotted about on the wall.
I will give them a whirl but any such campaign will have to start when the room is relatively empty until such time as my balance and timing improves.
Rounded off with a splash about in the pool.
I am going to make a concerted effort to limit the frequency of my boozing. The amount per outing will remain constant, of that I am quite sure, it is the frequency which is my first target !


Nick Browne said...

I use the balls quite a lot in core stability exercises. GH has me doing a press up with two of them; one hand on each.

John said...

I will give them a blast as I head for my new Quixote goal of the "300" ( far to extreme for any reasonable test ! )
The guidance sugested push up's with the hands on the floor and the toes on a gym ball - sounds easier to me !