Thursday 17 May 2007

Flagitious times of late !

My modus for recent Thursday evenings has been an continuing experimentation with excess and tolerance.
With this Blog nagging at me I have decided that I will have to get a trip to the gym out of the way before continuing with any such exploits tonight.
I am far from saying that I will not conduct a few tests, it is just that I will earn the privilege with exercise rather than continuing to draw from my already overdrawn fatigue account.

Current Level of Alcohol Consumption. V's. My Constitution.
Discuss :

"He's all wrong for us, baby. I saw you beat that man like I never saw no man get beat before, and the man kept coming after you. Now we don't need no man like that in our lives"


Nick Browne said...

You're gonna have to go through hell, worse than any nightmare you've ever dreamed. But when it's over, I know you'll be the one standing. You know what you have to do. Do it.

John said...

I bloody did it alright ! Does that pub never shut !!

Nick Browne said...

Bartender: You want me to take a shot? All right.
[pours himself a drink]
Bartender: I'll take a shot!