Wednesday, 31 May 2017


3 x 10 12.5kg cable crossovers
3 x 10 35kg incline bench machine
3 x 10 40kg bench machine

10 20kg pulley
10 25kg pulley
10 30kg pulley
10 35kg pulley
10 40kg pulley
10 45kg pulley

3 x 10 40kg lats pulldown
30 20kg abdominal crunch machine

3 x 10 20kg shoulder press machine
3 x 10 4kg double kettlebell press
3 x 10 24kg kettlebell shrugs

10 60cm box step ups, alternate legs
apple and orange
chicken and spinach dhansak with rice


13 st 8. Can the home scales be accurate if this is so much more than the gym yesterday?

Tuesday, 30 May 2017


10 mins recline bike level 16
telephone call from John
20 mins recline bike level 16

unassisted hanging

chicken casserole with spuds
no booze
forgot to weigh myself this morning
82.7kg lunchtime in the gym

Monday, 29 May 2017


3 x 10 150kg leg press
3 x 10 35kg leg adductor machine
3 x 10 40kg leg extension

3 x 10 50kg triceps machine
30 25kg abdominal crunch machine
3 x 10 20kg curl machine

3 x 10 10kg l/r dumbbell triceps extension
3 x 10 25kg triceps pushdowns

3 x 10 ez-bar preacher curls 10kg each end of metal bar
3 x 10 12kg l/r dumbbell preacher curls

unassisted hanging

bacon roll
Guinness and wine
13 st 6

Sunday, 28 May 2017


8am Bikram with Sharka Komurkova

salmon, courgette and green bean pasta bake
Guinness and wine
13 st 6

Saturday, 27 May 2017


30 mins recline bike level 16

10 60cm box step up/step off other side, alternate legs

salmon, potato, chorizo, kale
Guinness and wine
13 st 9

Friday, 26 May 2017


6:30am Bikram with Sharka Komurkova

bacon fried rice
stout and wine
13 st 6

Thursday, 25 May 2017


3 x 10 12.5kg cable crossovers
3 x 10 35kg bench machine
3 x 10 30kg incline bench machine

30 20kg abdominal crunch machine

10 20kg pulley
10 25kg pulley
10 30kg pulley
10 35kg pulley
10 40kg pulley
10 45kg pulley

3 x 10 40kg lats pulldown

3 x 10 20kg shoulder press machine
3 x 10 4kg double kettlebell press
3 x 10 24kg kettlebell shrugs

unassisted hanging from bar for time

penne bols and garlic bread
13 st 2

Wednesday, 24 May 2017


30 mins recline bike level 15
last ten minutes level 16 which should be my default from now on

10 60cm box step ups, alternate legs

Spanish omelette, beans and a chorizo salad roll

lager and wine
13 st 8

Tuesday, 23 May 2017


3 x 10 150kg leg press
3 x 10 35kg leg adductor machine
3 x 10 40kg leg extension

3 x 10 50kg triceps machine
30 25kg abdominal crunch machine
3 x 10 10kg l/r dumbbell triceps extension
3 x 10 20kg curl machine

3 x 10 25kg triceps pushdowns
3 x 10 ez-bar preacher curls 10kg each end of metal bar
3 x 10 10kg l/r dumbbell curls

unassisted hanging

bolognaise and bread roll
lager and wine
13 st 8

Monday, 22 May 2017


30 mins recline bike level 15

10 60cm box step ups, alternate legs

13 st 8

Sunday, 21 May 2017


8am Bikram with Sharka Komurkova

ham and bubble
wine and Guiness
13 st 2

Saturday, 20 May 2017


10 20kg pulley
10 25kg pulley
10 30kg pulley
10 35kg pulley
10 40kg pulley
10 45kg pulley

3 x 10 40kg lats pulldown

3 x 10 20kg shoulder press machine
3 x 10 4kg double kettlebell press
3 x 10 24kg kettlebell shrugs

3 x 10 12.5kg cable crossovers
3 x 10 35kg bench machine
3 x 10 30kg incline bench machine

30 20kg abdominal crunch machine
unassisted hanging from bar for time

ham and melon
chicken and chorizo jambalaya

13 st 4

Friday, 19 May 2017


6:30am Bikram with Sharka Komurkova

lentil and egg curry
meat sub and tomato soup
lager and wine
13 st 8

Thursday, 18 May 2017


30 mins recline bike level 15

10 60cm box step ups, alternate legs

cheese omelette and chips
13 st 8

Wednesday, 17 May 2017


3 x 10 40kg leg extension
3 x 10 35kg leg adductor machine
3 x 10 50kg triceps machine
3 x 10 20kg curl machine
3 x 10 150kg leg press

30 25kg abdominal crunch machine

3 x 10 10kg l/r dumbbell triceps extension
3 x 10 30kg triceps pushdowns
3 x 10 12kg l/r dumbbell concentration curls
3 x 10 20kg barbell curls

bear crawl
one arm assisted hanging

veg soup with cheese and onion roll
13 st 8

Tuesday, 16 May 2017


30 mins recline bike level 15

10 swamp box jumps

apple and pear
corned beef hash with egg and brown sauce

lager and wine
13 st 6

Monday, 15 May 2017


3 x 10 35kg pecs
3 x 10 40kg bench machine
3 x 10 25kg incline bench machine

10 20kg pulley
10 25kg pulley
10 30kg pulley
10 35kg pulley
10 40kg pulley
10 45kg pulley

3 x 10 40kg lats pulldown
30 20kg abdominal crunch machine

3 x 10 20kg shoulder press machine
3 x 10 4kg double kettlebell press
3 x 10 24kg kettlebell shrugs

beef tomato and courgette pasta
Guinness and wine
13 st 8

Sunday, 14 May 2017


8am Bikram with Sharka Komurkova

forgot to eat

Guinness and wine

13 st 4

Saturday, 13 May 2017


30 mins recline bike level 14
last ten minutes level 15 which should be my default from now on

10 swamp box jumps


pork, apple and turnips braised in wine and mustard with potatoes

Guinness and wine
13 st 8

Friday, 12 May 2017


6:30am Bikram with Sharka Komurkova

pear and banana
chowder and cheese roll

cider and wine
13 st 6

Thursday, 11 May 2017


3 x 10 150kg leg press
3 x 10 35kg leg adductor machine
3 x 10 40kg leg extension

3 x 10 50kg triceps machine
3 x 10 20kg curl machine
30 25kg abdominal crunch machine

3 x 10 10kg l/r dumbbell triceps extension
3 x 10 20kg triceps pushdowns

3 x 10 12kg l/r ez-bar dumbbell curls
3 x 10 20kg barbell curls

bear crawl
shoulder rehab assisted hanging

banana and pear
veg soup and bacon rolls
wine and Guinness
13 st 9

Wednesday, 10 May 2017


30 mins recline bike level 14

10 swamp box jumps

banana and pear
pasta with sausage sauce

13 st 7

Tuesday, 9 May 2017


3 x 10 12.5kg cable crossovers
3 x 10 40kg bench
3 x 10 25kg incline bench machine

10 20kg pulley
10 25kg pulley
10 30kg pulley
10 35kg pulley
10 40kg pulley
10 45kg pulley

3 x 10 40kg lats pulldown
30 20kg abdominal crunch machine

3 x 10 20kg shoulder press machine
3 x 10 4kg double kettlebell press
3 x 10 24kg kettlebell shrugs

pear and banana
sausage, bubble, beans, bread roll

lager and wine
13 st 5

Monday, 8 May 2017


30 mins recline bike level 14

shoulder rehab hangs

veg kebab wraps
Guinness and wine
13 st 5

Sunday, 7 May 2017

4-64-4-17,13,9?4 6

8am Bikram with Sharka Komurkova

salmon, sweet potato and corn wraps with a cheese sauce
lager and stout
13 st 4

Saturday, 6 May 2017


3 x 10 150kg leg press
3 x 10 35kg leg adductor machine
3 x 10 40kg leg extension

3 x 10 55kg triceps machine
3 x 10 20kg curl machine
30 20kg abdominal crunch machine

3 x 10 10kg l/r dumbbell triceps extension
3 x 10 20kg triceps pushdowns

3 x 10 ez-bar preacher curls 10kg each end of metal bar
3 x 10 12kg l/r ez-bar dumbbell curls

10 swamp box jumps

salmon and veg enchiladas
Guinness and wine
13 st 8

Friday, 5 May 2017

5-62015 20??10,956

6:30 am morning Bikram with Katie Sole (sub for Shona Langridge who has gone to Rishikesh for a month)

chilli, chips and avocado sauce
13 st 5

Thursday, 4 May 2017


30 mins recline bike level 14

Fixed Firm Pose on an aerobics step

Mexican cottage pie; mashed sweet potato on a bed of chilli con carne

13 st 6

Wednesday, 3 May 2017


3 x 10 12.5kg cable crossovers
3 x 10 40kg bench
bear crawl
3 x 10 25kg incline bench machine

10 20kg pulley
10 25kg pulley
10 30kg pulley
10 35kg pulley
10 40kg pulley
10 45kg pulley

3 x 10 50 kg assis hangs and pull ups
30 20kg abdominal crunch machine

3 x 10 20kg shoulder press machine
3 x 10 4kg double kettlebell press
3 x 10 24kg kettlebell shrugs

Australian wine dinner at the Charles Holden
13 st 6

Tuesday, 2 May 2017


Yin Yoga with Raj Sharma 11:45 at Wimbledon.

It integrates the Taoist meridian and acupuncture theories of China with the yogic and tantric theories of India doncha know.

chicken and veg soup with a tomato and cheese roll

13 st 6

Monday, 1 May 2017


30 mins recline bike level 14

chicken noodle and veg soup
13 st 5