Wednesday, 30 June 2010


Just over half an hour of hills level 11 recline cycling broken up into 11, 3, 7 and 9 minute sections due to machine kicked me offage.

bacon and tomato ketchup sarnie
red thai curry and noodles

lager and wine
13 st 9

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Man 3 Machine 0

35 minutes recline bike hills level 10.
I was going to have a little jaunt out in the evening but I adhered to the schedule and just did the bike.
I have been used to running after work but I did the bike at lunchtime so it felt as though I had not trained as the evening was longer than usual without run ??


Ever so slightly over my target of 3 miles. In my book that is a 5k of up hill and down dale pain !
I guessed the distance as I ran but drove it after a shower to measure the run. Not very green of me I grant you, still my recycling bags of many colours overflow this evening so perhaps I am carbon neutral after all.
I am smug with the run which I consider an achievement. Calves are hurting now though !

11 700

3 x 10 10kg strict bilateral cable crossovers
3 x 10 45kg pulley
3 x 10 ez bar preacher curls 10kg each end of metal sleeved bar
3 x 10 triceps pushdowns
3 x 10 simultaneous l/r 12kg Arnold presses
3 x 10 45kg lats pulldowns
30 hyperextensions
3 x 10 bench sit ups

tuna melt panini
meatballs and brocolli in tomoato sauce with garlic bread

13 st 11

Monday, 28 June 2010

The Butcher

Sunday was The Butcher's birthday. The Bbq coincided nicely with a scheduled day off.
A significant landmass of charred protein washed down with oceans of Bow and Stella and a forest of Hamlets probably sent my level of fitness spiralling back a few weeks - time will tell.
I think I will sack the La-dee-da's for a few weeks ?


10 mins treadmill @ 10.7 km/hr. Intended as a 10cBaeAbertawe training session, but couldn't combine it with watching England Germany so I swapped to hills level 11 half an hour recline cycling.

bacon sarnie
chicken Kiev, spuds. cauli, carrots

13 st 9

Sunday, 27 June 2010


Drove back to Wales intending to go for a run, but on entering a quiet empty house had a nap for the afternoon. Thus thrown a day off.

bacon and eggs
chicken and ham pie

no scales on tour


I could not sleep because of the heat and lack of air. Rather than carry on turning the pillow I decided to take the time to get an early run done so that the rest of the day was relaxed.
I was back before 6.30 had a quick shower and dozed off until 10.15! Sweet!
Got to sort out my route for Monday which will be up to three miles, fingers crossed.

Saturday, 26 June 2010


Time and schedule made me have to take a rest day on Friday. It was scheduled as light exercise or rest so I am still on course !


3 x 10 25kg assist dips
3 x 10 45kg pulley
3 x 10 45kg lats pulldown
3 x 10 simultaneous l/r 12kg Arnold presses
3 x 10 ez bar preacher curls 10kg each end of plastic sleeved bar
3 x 10 30kg triceps push down
3 x 10 bench sit ups
30 hyperextensions

alternate sitting cross-legged and rising from BOSU balance trainer

tuna and sweetcorn sarnie
corned beef hash and sweetcorn

13 st 7

Friday, 25 June 2010

842 -1

hills level 11 twelve mins recline cycling
machine kicked me off
hills level 11 thirteen mins recline cycling
machine kicked me off
hills level 11 five mins recline cycling

I don't think the machine likes me

tuna and sweetcorn sarnie
browsed buffet

no booze
13 st 8

Creeping up appearances

Ran over the scheduled 2.5 miles. Not far over but in my tussle with myself it counts for more than the actual overreach.
The increased difficulty when gradients are involved is a constant shock to my pins. I will have to sort a route which is flatter or one when the hills are more toward the start rather than at the end of the run.

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Tickled Pink

Scheduled day of rest from the road. Took a half day and boozed away the afternoon before watching Pink put on her Funhouse show at the Liberty stadium.

964 -1

3 x 10 25kg assist dips
3 x 10 40kg low row machine
3 x 10 simultaneous l/r 12kg Arnold presses
3 x 10 30kg overhead cable pulls
3 x 10 30kg triceps pushdowns
3 x 10 30kg barbell curls
30 hyperextnesions
3 x 10 exercise ball sit ups

bacon and tomato sarnie, clementine
gammon, cooked tomata, pineapple rings, chips

lager and wine
13 st 9

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

885 -1

hills level 11 nine mins recline cycling
machine kicked me off
hills level 11 sixteen mins recline cycling
machine kicked me off
hills level 11 five mins recline cycling
(level 11 at an age one year on from yesterday's though.)

bacon and tomato sarnie, apple, clementine
gammon, cooked tomata, pineapple rings, chips

lager and wine
13 st 8

Hold the line

Kit bag checked and packed on Monday night I fully intended some cycling or X-training at lunchtime on Tuesday.
It turned out that the guy who was scheduled to diagnose and repair the fridge freezer in the kitchen could not attend in the morning as planned and promised and the changed window of attendance was such that I missed the opportunity to take time in the gym.
I left work intending on a trip to the house of pain but the traffic was painful enough so I came straight home.
Unusually I donned the daps and ran for what I estimated was 2.5 miles.
Out of sequence with my regime but undoubtedly better than the alternative!

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

4.02336 K

Not even half way ! Painful though, the route had hills ! Even though I benefited on the way down them this ease did not compare with the increased strain of making my way back up them.
To be honest the word 'Hill' is not accurate. Gentle slope would be more accurate.
They felt like hills on the way up, mountains infact!

10 10 3 -1

3 x 10 10kg strict bilateral cable crossovers
3 x 10 10kg bilateral high cable curls
3 x 10 45kg pulley
3 x 10 30kg overhead cable pulls
3 x 10 25kg military press
3 x 10 45kg lats pulldown
30 hyperextnesions
3 x 10 exercise ball sit ups
back bridge over exercise ball
ploughman's sarnie
lamb, mash, peas, gravy

13 st 1o

Monday, 21 June 2010

10 10 3 -1

Officially a day off, but I spent about 4o minutes playing football in the park with the Bomber and a couple of his mates, and going to the gym after that seemed like obsessive foolishness. The run around however leads me to conclude that I need to add pylometrics and shuttle sprints into my schedule along with flexibility, strength and endurance.

bacon and eggs with garlic bread
lamb, cauliflower puree, sauteed spud

13 st 10


Sunday is my scheduled day of rest. Fathers Day was my scheduled day of BBq and Magners on ice. A drink I have traditionally shunned is, I must confess, most refreshing on a sunny day. The beer is only 4.5 % and the ice water makes the drink long and removed the diuretic properties of the alcohol !
I low temperature cooked a silverside which, I must confess was a flop. I woke at 4 a.m. restless and lobbed the beef into the slow cooker on low until I left for work this morning. Should be a winner !

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Two's Up

I woke at the crack of noon pondering how I got home from Den's Bbq ? I really didn't feel like exercise today but my schedule demands it so I donned my daps and sweated out 2 miles.
The iPod pumped out an Annie Lennox song from the Dracula sound track immediately followed by Cars and I got to wondering which is the most up to date edition of Gary, is it Oldman or Newman ?

9 10 0 -2

hills level 11 nine mins recline cycling
machine kicked me off
hills level 11 twenty one mins recline cycling

corned beef hash and fried egg
duck wrap
more corned beef hash and fried egg

lager and wine
13 st 9

Saturday, 19 June 2010


3 x 10 45kg pec deck
3 x 10 45kg pulley
3 x 10 25kg shoulder machine
3 x 10 45kg lats pulldown
3 x 10 ez bar preacher curls 10kg each end of metal sleeved bar
3 x 10 30kg triceps push down
3 x 10 bench sit ups
30 hyperextensions

tuna and sweetcorn sarnie
2 clementines
sausages, grilled toms, mash, onion gravy

13 st 7


Man 2 - Machine 0

30minutes hills level 10.

I sweated out loads of last nights booze so it looked like I trained for hours. The joys of a light blue t-shirt.

Friday, 18 June 2010


hills level 11 twelve and a half mins recline cycling
machine kicked me off
hills level 11 seventeen and a half mins recline cycling

tuna and sweetcorn sarnie
2 clementines
corned beef hash and sweetcorn

13 st 9

hmmm putting on 3lbs a year since 2007?


Noodling around on the net I stumbled across an iPod Classic Sports Armband with good reviews.
The 2 miles was a painful distraction to the random songlist, a painful distraction but the concentration on the glorious tunes numbed the aching legs and unpicked the stitch.
Note to self - less running to the prodigy, more running to Lloyd Cole and the Commotions! Zepplin is quite acceptable for a sprint finish.
Homestead then for a random drinklist of Bow, Magners and Stella.

Thursday, 17 June 2010


3 x 10 50kg bench
3 x 10 45kg pulley
3 x 10 30kg triceps pushdowns
30 ez bar preacher skull crushers 7.5kg each end of metal sleeved bar
3 x 10 25kg military press
3 x 10 bench sit ups
3 x 10 45kg lats pull downs
30 hyperextensions

ham and tomato sarnie
turkey and butternet squash Thai red curry with rice
kit kat

lager and wine
13 st 8

Psalm 116 : 7

Wednesday is a scheduled day of recouperation.

Wednesday, 16 June 2010


10 km treadmill @ 10.6 km/hr 10cBaeAbertawe training session.

ham and tomato sandwich
turkey and butternet squash Thai red curry with rice
kit kat

13 st 8

Man V's Machine

30 minutes recline cycle.
The machine did not kick me off !
To be fair it is probably a less sentient bike than those in the VirGym which appear to be part recline cycle and part bucking bronco so perhaps my metaphysical struggle was reduced and the conflict really was man against himself. Either way - me : 1, machine : 0 !

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

10 664

30 hyperextensions
3 x 10 bench sit ups
3 x 10 10kg strict bilateral cable crossovers
3 x 10 10kg bilateral high cable curls
3 x 10 45kg pulley
3 x 10 30kg triceps pushdowns
3 x 10 30kg military presses
3 x 10 40kg lats pulldowns

ham and pickle sandwich
2 small apples
corned beef hash, sweetcorn, relish
crisps and kit kat

13 st 10

2 Mile

I'm a man, I'ma make a new plan
Time for me to just stand up, and travel new land
Time for me to just take matters into my own hands
Once I'm over these tracks man I'ma never look back
(2 Mile Road) And I'm gone, I know right where I'm goin
Sorry momma I'm grown, I must travel alone
ain't gon' follow the footsteps I'm making my own
Only way that I know how to escape from this 2 Mile Road

Monday, 14 June 2010


Sunday is a spiritual and physical day of rest on my regime.

11 741

hills level 11 14 and a half mins recline cycling
machine kicked me off
hills level 11 15 and a half mins recline cycling

ham sarnie
sausage, salad and chips
bolognaise with garlic bread

lager and wine
13 st 11

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Roadrunner Twice

Another one and a half - this time I was in quite a lot of pain as opposed to excruciating pain so I guess that is an improvement ?

I even managed a rather cheeky sprint finish to the old homestead. I regretted this immediately of course.

Still on track - nice !


No exercise as I had to ferry the bomber to a judo competition and then immediately on return head off to a barbacue to watch England in the world cup.

lager and wine
13 st 8

Saturday, 12 June 2010

The Rubicon

30 minutes X-trainer on some weird setting as I have forgotten how to use the goddamn machine properly ! Personal trainer/time goal/level 12. I don't really know what thet means !

On the way back to work the car felt light and out of control at the front - upon examination I had 2 front tyres which made Kojak look hursuit so I made my way to a tyre workshop and cooled down from my gym exertions in there while the car was made safe.

I am driving to Cardiff and back later on today - that trip to the gym may have saved my life ! That said it certainly did not feel as though it had any benefit - far from it as a matter of fact !

10 682

3 x 10 50kg bench
3 x 10 40kg bent over row
3 x 10 simultaneous l/r 12kg Arnold presses
3 x 10 45kg lats pull downs
3 x 10 ez bar preacher curls 10kg each end of metal sleeved bar
30 ez bar preacher skull crushers 5kg each end of plastic sleeved bar
30 hyperextensions
3 x 10 bench sit ups

tuna and sweetcorn pasta salad
corned beef hash, sweetcorn

13 st 10

Friday, 11 June 2010

Road Runner Once !

1.5 miles of pavement and tarmac eaten up and almost thrown up !
Aching back, stitches in side and in the back, muscle spasms, soft tissue pain and general light-headedness without euphoria.
I am weaker than I thought and I thought I was pretty weak!
At the moment the 10k looks more difficult than nailing jelly to the ceiling!
On the upside I am at the end of the beginning.

The Leuven ambrosia was taken on board with some considerable vim upon my return as I sat outside cooling down and painting preserver on the decking boards.

10 653

hills level 11 12 and a half mins recline cycling
machine kicked me off
hills level 11 17 and a half mins recline cycling

tuna and sweetcorn sarnie
penne bolognaise

13 st 10

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Running on Empty

I have devised a cunning schedule of training to take me through to a 10k. As luck would have it the first day of my schedule (yesterday) called for rest. As any serious athlete knows, when training the rest days are just as important as the days of manic intensity.
On that basis I am off to a flying start !

10 653

3 x 10 10kg strict bilateral cable crossovers
3 x 10 10kg bilateral high cable curls
3 x 10 35kg assist dips
3 x 10 simultaneous l/r 12kg Arnold presses
30 hyperextensions
3 x 10 bench sit ups
3 x 10 45kg pulley
3 x 10 40kg lats pulldowns

bacon and tomato sarnie
steak, chips, mushrooms, pepper sauce

lager and wine
13 st 10

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

8 750

8 km treadmill @ 10.5 km/hr 10cBaeAbertawe training session.
a pit stop (boo! cries of "shame")
2 km treadmill @ 10.5 km/hr 10cBaeAbertawe training session.

bacon and tomato sarnie
jerk chicken, rice 'n peas, 'slaw

13 st 8

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

10 11 6 2

hills level 11 30 mins recline cycling

salmon and cucumber sarnie, apple segment bag, OJ (£2 at Tesco)
cod on mushy peas with a chorizo and red wine sauce
steamed syrup pud and custard

13 st 10

Monday, 7 June 2010

12 841

3 x 10 10kg strict bilateral cable crossovers
3 x 10 10kg bilateral high cable curls
3 x 10 40kg pulley
3 x 10 30kg triceps pushdowns
3 x 10 simultaneous l/r 12&14kg Arnold presses (picked up two different weight dumbells by mistake but persevered alternating with them)
3 X 10 40kg assist pull ups (slow full range)
3 x 10 hyperextensions
15L 14R side crunches

full English,
jerk chicken, rice 'n peas, 'slaw

13 st 12

Sunday, 6 June 2010

10 85

Cycled to and from Balham for 8:15am Bikram. (last of the 10 I bought, but there's an offer on 3 months unlimited you can get up until the end of June)

sausage, bacon, egg, mushroom, bean and potato farl full brekkie
tapas at Don Fernandes

Lager and wine
13 st 10

Saturday, 5 June 2010

10 85

500m swim

egg, sausage and relish sarnie
sausage, corn and potato chowder
apple pie and custard

13 st 10

Friday, 4 June 2010

11 85

3 x 10 50kg bench
3 x 10 ez bar skull crushers 7.5kg on each end of metal sleeved bar
3 x 10 40kg pulley
30 ez bar preacher curls 7.5kg each end of metal sleeved bar
3 x 10 simultaneous l/r 12kg Arnold presses
3 x 10 45kg lats pulldown
3 x 10 hyperextensions
15L 14R side crunches

egg and bacon sarnie, banana
toad in the hole, sweetcorn, onion gravy

13 st 11

Thursday, 3 June 2010


Thrown a day off by work rather than life.
(boo! cries of "shame")

chicken and bacon sarnie, tangerine
jerk pork, chips, 'slaw

lager and wine
13 st 9

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

9 12 8

7.3 km treadmill @ 10.4 km/hr 10cBaeAbertawe training session.
a pit stop (boo! cries of "shame")
2.7 km treadmill @ 10.4 km/hr 10cBaeAbertawe training session.

chicken sarnie, tangerine
jerk pork, chips, 'slaw

13 st 9

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

11 77

hills level 11 30 mins recline cycling

egg and bacon sarnie
roll at Subway
chicken, veg, mash, gravy
treacle tart

13 st 11