Thursday 20 January 2011


3 x 10 50kg pulley
3 x 10 15kg strict bilateral cable crossovers
3 x 10 20kg barbell shoulder presses
3 x 10 30kg triceps pushdowns
3 x 10 50kg lats pulldowns
3 x 10 ez bar curls 10kg each end of plastic sleeved bar
30 sit ups on hyperextension stand
15 left oblique raise
30 hyperxtensions
15 right oblique raises

new prone hip openers
tuna sandwich

lager and wine
13 st 5


chris said...

so what are the random digits at the top? Stardate? Captain's log? non sequetur?

Nick Browne said...

It is how much I weigh. I was 13 stone 5 this morning the same as last year. 13 stone 1 in 2009 and a larger 13 st 10 the year before that. How's that for OCD?