Thursday 27 March 2008


120kg failed due to being a weakling
110kg failed due to being a weakling
105kg 1 reps
100kg 1 reps
95kg 2 reps
90kg 3 reps
85kg 4 reps
80kg 5 reps
75kg 6 reps
70kg 7 reps
65kg 8 reps
(are these harder at 7am?)

leg stretches
hanging knee raises (supinated grip): 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
15 mins recline exercise bike hills level 11

half-hearted bag drill

80 secs 6km/hr, 180 secs 9 km/hr, 40 secs 18km/hr treadmill

sausages and beans
egg mayonnaise and salad baguette
chille con carne and rice

Chocolate Drop ale (the Easter malt teaser) then Kronenburg through football

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