Monday 21 January 2019


3 x 10 30kg bench
3 x 10 7.5kg cable crossovers
3 x 10 20kg incline bench machine

3 x 10 hyperextensions
3 x 10 20kg pull downs
3 x 10 20kg pulley

30 20kg abdominal crunch machine

3 x 10 3kg simultaneous Arnold presses
3 x 10 4kg l/r kettlebell bottoms-up press
3 x 10 30kg assisted 10 second hangs

First chest/back/shoulders day back since I hurt my rib. Discomfort with exercise in all three areas, but shoulders were worst. Replaced a third shoulder exercise with hanging with the idea of stretching out the rib cage.

lager and wine
Mexican food at Wahace
12 st 13

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