a day off
pulled pork and rice
lager and wine
13 st 0
a day off
chicken, leek and carrot casserole with crusty bread
lager and wine
13 st 3
a day off (Boo!)
finished Sean's book off though. Not strictly relevant but it has been appearing here
keema veg garnished with coriadner on a naan.
lager and wine
13 st 3
a day off (Boo!)
keema veg and rice
lager and wine.... and ROSIE'S PIG CLOUDY RHUBARB CIDER!
13 st 1
The Englishwoman (Sean Burke): recline bike (chapter 7)
Yeats' Meru is the poem.
keema veg and chips
lager, wine and Guiness
13 st 1
a day off (Boo!)
pasta with salmon in a tomato and courgette sauce
lager and wine
13 st 2
The Englishwoman (Sean Burke): recline bike (chapter 5)
Alice Hamilton (an elastic band around her left wrist and another around her palm) is Sally Vyse.
pasta with salmon in a tomato and courgette sauce
lager and wine
13 st 0
A day off (Boo!)
pasta with salmon in a tomato and courgette sauce
lager and wine
13 st 0
The Englishwoman (Sean Burke): recline bike (chapter 4)
Tamarisk (plural tamarisks). Any of several shrubs, of the genus Tamarix, native to arid regions in Eurasia.
The Conference of the Birds gets a mention as does Peter Brook's stage adaptation - La Conférence des oiseaux.
Lager and wine
13 st 1
The Englishwoman (Sean Burke): recline bike (chapter 3)
Liber naturae anyone? Decorum est pro patria mori? He's a one that Sean. Also Ibram fought in Chechnya. That may be significant later.
bacon sarnie and baked beans
lager and wine
13 st 2
a day off (boo!)
bacon and tomato sarnie
buffet at Ollie Reilly's birthday
lager and wine
13 st 3
The Englishwoman (Sean Burke): recline bike (chapter 2)
ham roll
defrosted veggie quesadilla
lager and wine
13 st 1
a day off (boo!)
US style ham, cheese and egg brekky rolls
lager and wine
13 st 1
Back on the exercise bike for the first time since 22/3 which was the first time since 3/3 which in turn was the first since 8/2.
Chapter one of Sean's novel The Englishwoman: recline bike (20 odd mins as I got back in the swing of it.)
TONNO E CIPOLLA pizza at Corleone.
Stella in the Standard, red wine in the restaurant; both with Ben.
13 st on the nose.